Posted in News on Jun 06, 2024, 0 Comments, by Ali Bakhtiar Designs
Ali Behnam Bakhtiar, an Iranian originator settled in Paris, has become a celebrated entrepreneur, an architect of repute, and a designer with a global footprint. At 44, he reflects on his cross-cultural business acumen and his company's rise to prominence in the design and event planning sectors, especially in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. With a clientele seeking unparalleled perfection, Ali Bakhtiar Designs provides all-encompassing services, especially on the Côte d'Azur, where they curate properties down to the finest detail. His philosophy centers on exceptional service, regardless of budget size, and embraces a diverse and experienced team to deliver on his promise of luxury and innovation. Despite the challenges of administrative hurdles in France, his entrepreneurial spirit remains undeterred, emphasizing the need for flexibility and creativity in the business world. For more insights, you can read the full article on Entreprendre.fr here.